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Summer Boredom Buster: National Geographic Kids!

The first book I received was National Geographic Weird but True USA: 300 Fascinating Facts about the Fifty States.

It’s a small book, maybe 6 by 6 inches. But it is jam packed with fun information, cute artwork, and interesting photography. I am planning to put ours with our morning basket and read a few fun facts per day and see where they lead us. For instance, one fact is about a coyote and a roadrunner, which just might lead to watching some cartoons together!

Here is one example of a page in the book.

The second book I received was the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2020. This book is slightly larger in size, like a typical paperback book. It has elven sections: Your World 2020; Amazing Animals; Science and Technology; Going Green; Culture Connection; Space and Earth; Fun and Games; Awesome Exploration; Wonders of Nature; History Happens; and Geography Rocks.

The book is filled with great photographs covering a wide range of topics, covering everything from cool features of an octopus to the truth about quick sand. Each entry is short, half a page to two pages for most of the articles included. Again, I am considering putting it in my morning basket and reading an entry at a time. There are so many, we may not get through them all before 2021 comes out, though! I’m also thinking about tucking it in my purse (it’s small enough) as a boredom buster when we are in waiting rooms and things like that. It’s just right for that sort of situation.

The third and final book I received was the latest edition of National Geographic Kids Brain Games. This one is really fun! It’s the size of a traditional magazine. It has all kinds of brain games to entertain kids. But, it takes it a step further and explains the way the brain has to work to figure it out. For example, it might have them look at an optical illusion and ask what they see, and then explain WHY they see that. There’s all kinds of brain facts worked in so instead of just solving puzzles, they are learning cool information. I really like the way it’s all weaved together.

If you are looking for some fun reading material for your morning basket, your road trip, or as a summer boredom buster, definitely check out these National Geographic Kids options. They are colorful, interesting, and informative.

Disclaimer: I was not paid to review these books and all opinions are my own. I did receive free copies in order to review them.