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What’s In Our Morning Basket 2019-2020?!?

Are you a fan of morning baskets? We are. As my kids are getting older and spending so much time on their separate curriculum, I was really feeling that our home school was missing something. It felt disjointed and incomplete. Last year, I caught on to the idea of a morning basket, and we really loved it. For one thing, it meant family time during our school day. In the midst of all the chaos, the extracurriculars, and the Henle Latin, we found time to sit together and learn as a family. Plus, the ONE thing that I don’t like about CC’s Challenge program is that it doesn’t leave much room for the extras, the fun stuff. And it left my oldest feeling a little disconnected from her brothers. But our morning basket time means coming together for about half an hour and learning as a family. It’s been really good for us. You can read more about last year’s morning basket here.

This year, I went a little overboard. But please keep in mind, we don’t do something from EVERY book on this list daily! We use a loop schedule and do one item from each book for however much time we have set aside for that day (generally 30-45 minutes). Wherever we leave off on Monday, we pick up on Tuesday and keep going. So it doesn’t matter if it’s just TOO MUCH for one day. We do what we can from one day to the next and we are never behind because nothing is assigned to a specific day.

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